ईमानदारी को क्या बोलते हैं इंग्लिश में? - eemaanadaaree ko kya bolate hain inglish mein?


ईमानदार = LOYAL(Adjective)

उदाहरण : ऐ ईमानदारों सूद दनादन खाते न चले जाओ और ख़ुदा से डरो कि तुम छुटकारा पाओ
Usage : loyal subjects

ईमानदार = SINCERE(Adjective)

Usage : he was a good man, decent and sincere

ईमानदार = SOOTHFAST(adjective)

उदाहरण : रमेश एक ईमानदार आदमी है।
Usage : ramesh is a soothfast person.

ईमानदार = HONEST(Adjective)

Usage : Sushil Kumar is an honest man.

ईमानदार = ABOVE BOARD(Idioms)

Usage : The deal should be above board.

ईमानदार = LOYALTY(Noun)

Usage : He proved his loyalty to him by sticking to him during his hard period.

ईमानदार = SCRUPULOUS(Adjective)

Usage : There is also a widespread suspicion that less scrupulous clinics commit outright fraud.

ईमानदार = VERACIOUS(Adjective)

Usage : Guru's veracious life inspired the disciple to live a better life.

ईमानदार = STRAIGHTFORWARD(Adjective)

उदाहरण : इसके लिए,मीडिया का आचरण ईमानदार होना चाहिए।
Usage : He is a very straightforward person.

ईमानदार = FAITHFUL(Noun)

Usage : Of all men the nearest to Abraham are those who follow him, and then this Prophet and the faithful; and God is the protector of all believers.

ईमानदार = UPFRONT(Adjective)

Usage : He is upfront about his private life.

ईमानदार = EARNEST(Noun)

Usage : He is an earnest student.

ईमानदार = SIMPLE(Noun)

Usage : He said, ‘So shall it be. Your Lord has said, ‘‘It is simple for Me. ’’ Certainly I created you before when you were nothing. ’

ईमानदार = WORTHY(Noun)

Usage : he told his story to some conservative worthies

ईमानदार = STRAIGHT FORWARD(Noun)

Usage : He kept his language easy and straight forward to ensure that it was understood by common man.

ईमानदार = BELIEVER(Noun)

उदाहरण : ईमानदार सर्वोत्तम नीति है !
Usage : honest is the best policy.

ईमानदार = RELIGIOUS(Noun)

Usage : This option determines which day will be considered as the day of the week for religious observance.

ईमानदार = STRAIGHT(Noun)

Usage : number one on the best - seller list for 20 straight weeks.

ईमानदार = UNCORRUPTED(Adjective)

Usage : This summer the Left Front faces its strongest challenge ever, making an uncorrupted election all the more vital.

ईमानदार = FAIR(Noun)

Usage : world fair

ईमानदार = SQUARE(Verb)

Usage : Kuldeep Yadav's hat-trick snuffed out Australia's hopes of squaring the series.

ईमानदार = GENUINE(Adjective)

Usage : I have genuine love for my country.

ईमानदार = INCORRUPT(Adjective)

Usage : He is incorrupt.

ईमानदार = UPSTANDING(Adjective)

Usage : He is a tall and upstanding man.

ईमानदार = SOLID(Noun)

Usage : The process of Precipitation is necessary to remove the impure solid particles from the liquid.


ईमानदारी = INTEGRITY(Noun)

उदाहरण : आधुनिक युग में honesty(ईमानदारी)सच्चाई का कोई मूल्य नहीं है.
Usage : the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development

ईमानदारी = HONESTY(Noun)

Usage : and in all honesty, the pursuit of normality

ईमानदारी = EARNESTNESS(Noun)

Usage : Let us set about it with all the strength and earnestness we possess.

ईमानदारी = PROBITY(Noun)

Usage : in a world where financial probity may not be widespread

ईमानदारी = SINCERITY(noun)

उदाहरण : हमें केवल तालिबान और पाकिस्तान की ईमानदारी पर शक है|
Usage : we simply doubt the sincerity of the taliban and pakistan.

ईमानदारी = UPRIGHTNESS(Noun)

Usage : Surely getting up at night is the best means of subduing the self and is more suitable for uprightness in speech.


Usage : Gujarat Vidyapith provides education aimed at building the character, competence, culture and conscientiousness in students.

ईमानदार को अंग्रेजी में क्या बोलेंगे?

ईमानदार {adjective masculine/feminine} trustworthy {adj.} trusty {adj.} truthful {adj.}

ईमानदार मींस क्या होता है?

विश्वास करने वाला; नेक नीयत 2. विश्वासपात्र 3. नियतदार 4. सच्चा 5.

बुद्धिमान को इंग्लिश में क्या कहा जाता है?

Bright people or ideas are clever and original.

बहादुर इंग्लिश में कैसे लिखते हैं?

बहादुर {adjective masculine/feminine} brave {adj.} cavalier {adj.} courageous {adj.} daring {adj.}

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